Exploring the Unknown: Abandoned Places

Justin Bienvenue
4 min readJul 3, 2019


Abandoned places. They fascinate, scare, and baffle us. They make us curious and wonder just what dwells inside and why it ever became abandoned. This is exactly what exploring the unknown is and while some don’t care for it, exploring abandoned places has taken on a life of its own and has become quite popular over the last few years. Urban exploring is going out and exploring man-made structures, especially abandoned buildings and areas not generally open to the public. Why is urban exploring a thing? Why are we fascinated by abandoned places? Is it really a good idea to explore the unknown? All these questions and more will be answered as we dive deeper into the craze and need to know of abandoned places.

Why are we fascinated by abandoned places? Some people are interested in knowing about the past, about learning what once was and the whole idea of why something that was once popular and prominent has become nothing more than a vacant empty space. You’ve likely walked or drove by countless abandoned buildings but have you ever been curious? Have you ever stopped and asked yourself what used to be there and why it’s no longer there or the better question why has nothing been built to replace it?

Abandoned means left behind, forgotten so buildings and areas are no different and many fall victim to the times, the economy or simple nature. I believe we are fascinated because it’s hard to wrap our heads around how such beautiful places become decrepit or how some places can become so decrepit when they used to be so lively. We are curious, it’s in our nature so abandoned places in a way take us back in time to make us think to the good ole days and how some of the places we go may also one day become abandoned.

Why is urban exploring a thing? One word, Chernobyl. The small town that went up in flames during a nuclear reactor exploding in 1986 has captivated us since it happened. More than a decade later the radiation levels have gone done immensely and over the last few years, the place has become a hot spot for urban exploring. Why do we as people like exploring places we aren’t supposed to be? Because of just that, we aren’t supposed to be there. Naturally, we wonder why the place is abandoned but we also wonder why(except for Chernobyl because it’s a safety concern) we aren’t allowed in the area. In most cases, it’s due to safety or because of its private property and people just aren’t allowed there. This is why urban exploring is a thing. We are intrigued, we like breaking the rules but most of all it’s one of the few things that even though it’s illegal to trespass we have fun and learn at the same time.

Is it a good idea to explore the unknown? Probably not but that certainly doesn’t stop people from going into dark places. Our minds and what we are told tell us not to dare go into the unknown but our instincts tell us otherwise. We love mystery, we love intrigue, and some of us love to be put into dark and dangerous situations. Also sometimes we need to take chances, perhaps the unknown isn’t always a bad thing maybe there’s something harmless or even good in the unknown.

Many abandoned places are like this. We have no idea what is inside not only does that not stop us because we want to know but we are willing to take the chance to find out. If it’s bad then we simply turn around and run away(well most of us anyway) but if it’s harmless then we explore deeper and deeper till we are captivated and educated at the same time. Abandoned places will always be around and as long as we as humans are curious we will always adventure into the unknown to find out just what exactly is inside and why it came to be abandoned.



Justin Bienvenue

Author of 12 books|Writer of #Horror & #Poetry. Thinking stories & poems into existence 1 unique idea at a time #WesternHorror: #BrimstoneExpress Now Available!